Video Submission
Gaisce, in partnership with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland is delighted to announce that Terence MacSwiney Community College in Knocknaheeney in Cork were the deserving winners of the trip to Strasbourg for Euroscola, which will take place on March 30th.
Euroscola brings together 16–18-year-old students from all 27 EU Member States and allows them to get together, debate, take sides, negotiate, amend, vote and finally adopt resolutions on real European issues. The TY students in Terence MacSwiney CC fought off stiff competition from schools around the country who demonstrated how their schools are playing their part in tackling climate change as laid out by the EU Green Deal. The Community Involvement element of the Gaisce Awards encourages students to engage in active local and global citizenship working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
In receiving the news that their video was the winning entry, President Award Leader in Terence MacSwiney CC Eva Corbett (herself a Gold Gaisce Awardee) spoke of her delight, “This is just incredible for our students, who would not otherwise get an opportunity like this. I’m so proud of the work they have put into the video, it shows what we are doing in the school to work towards the SDGs and how passionate our students are about making a difference. Winning this prize also shows them that if you work hard towards something and believe in yourself, great things can happen. For us Gaisce is all about striving to be the best version of yourself and to be the ‘image of possibility’ for others in your community. We are so excited, European Parliament here we come!”
Congratulations Terence MacSwiney CC TY students!

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