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Gaisce – Gradam an Uachtaráin | The President’s Award is a governed by a 15-member board of directors (Gaisce Council). The Gaisce Council is appointed by the Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Affairs and by the terms of the organisation’s Constitution.

There are two nominating bodies to Gaisce Council:

  • The President of Ireland nominates two members,
  • The Department of the Taoiseach nominates one member.
Although not a state body, as an ‘entity under the aegis of the Department’, all other appointments are made through a process undertaken by the Department that mirrors the Guidelines for Appointments to State Boards (2014). You can find more information about how Council undertake their duties in the Directors’ Report section of our Audited Accounts.

Gaisce Council members receive no remuneration for their role. They can choose to be reimbursed for vouched expenses for Council duties, including attending Council meetings, only.


Overview of Financial Statements and Compliance

Gaisce – The President’s Award is committed to transparency in relation to our finance and governance. We have prepared this page to provide you with an overview of our financial statements, organisational activities and compliance.

Our Impact

Gaisce – The President’s Award prepares public impact reports of our activities on an annual basis to showcase the breath of our work across Ireland.

Charities Governance Code

The Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards a charity should meet to effectively manage and control our charity.

Gaisce is in receipt of grants from: 

Good governance involves putting in place systems and processes to ensure that our charity achieves its charitable objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way.

  • Gaisce is compliant with the Charities Governance Code and will declare compliance annually in our report to the Charities Regulator.
  • The principles of the code help inform the work of Gaisce – The President’s Award as an organisation, and our compliance with the Charities Act.
  • Our Governance record was approved by Gaisce Council on the 18th of March 2021.

The company delivers the Award and discharges the full range of corporate governance responsibilities as required by company law.

Annual Audits

Gaisce prepares its accounts in line with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). Gaisce’s financial year is 31 December, and our accounts are audited annually by Crowe Ireland Accountants. Gaisce’s law firm is A&L Goodbody.

Triple Lock

Gaisce – The President’s Award has been awarded the Triple Lock Standard by the Charities Institute of Ireland (Cii).

The Triple Lock Standard is awarded to charities that uphold the highest standards in transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and strong governance structures. This recognition is the gold standard for Irish charities to offer assurances to donors, members and the general public.




In 2021, Gaisce – The President’s Award was in receipt of grants from: 

  • The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Affairs (core funding grant)
  • Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF);
  • Bulbs For Bees;
  • Covid-19 Minor Grant;
  • LGBTI Scheme
  • Youth Capital Grant
  • Department of Rural and Community Development (Covid-19 Stability Scheme).

Income 2021 


Statutory funding and grants:  €924,781 (71%)   
Participant registrations:  €291,146 
Non-statutory philanthropic and donations:  €86,500 (7%) 
Other:  €2,739 (<1%)   
TOTAL:  €1,305,166   


Expenditure 2021 


Charitable Activities  1,232,999 (96%) 
Raising Funds  55,336 (4%) 
TOTAL  €1,288,335 
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