The EU Parliament Information Office in Dublin are delighted to be offering their Euroscola Programme to DEIS schools who currently offer the Gaisce programme to their students. Next year 24 Gaisce participants will get the opportunity to travel to Strasbourg with two teachers for three days in January 2019 (dates TBC). There they will work with students from other countries and discuss issues, share ideas, negotiate, make decisions and vote on current European issues.
Preparation for the trip will meet Gaisce requirements for the Personal Skill or Community Involvement section of the programme. The EU provides €320 per person to cover travel, accommodation etc.
To choose the group to travel, teams who are interested in taking part are asked to create a 4 page information leaflet about one EU country (not Ireland). The leaflet should promote the country, include some pictures and provide information about that country’s:
- Food
- Culture ( e.g. Language/Music/Art/Dance/Fashion)
- Geography (Capital city, significant rivers/mountains/lakes etc.)
- Main tourist attractions
- EU history (when it joined, number of MEPs etc.)
- Famous people from that country
Dates and tasks are as follows:
Friday 28th September Closing date for entries.
Friday 5th October Winners notified.
Monday 8th October Team begins preparation for trip.
January 2019 (date TBC) Travel to Strasbourg.
The winning team must:
-Be Gaisce participants in 2018/2019.
-Be available to travel to Strasbourg for three days in January 2019.
-Have valid passports.
-Use the full EU subsidy of €320 per person to fund the trip. Please note that the total cost may not be fully covered by the subsidy and additional costs will be met by school or participants.
More details on this great opportunity will be available in August/September. Should you have any queries kindly contact our Development Officer Patricia Owens at