Gaisce is delighted to welcome YouthBank Ireland on board as a Challenge Partner.
YouthBank Ireland is based on the simple idea that young people aged 14-25 years old have access to decision-making and participatory grant-making opportunities in their communities. YouthBank is managed by the Irish Youth Foundation and is an all-island of Ireland initiative of over 25 youth-led grant-making committees. The funding raised and distributed by these young people supports projects that address issues and concerns relevant to them and their youth community.
YouthBank is not just about giving out grants, it is a personal development programme, which builds young people\’s self-esteem and confidence and provides hands on opportunity to learn new skills in leadership, team-work, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, negotiation, report-writing, presentation skills, event management and interview skills. To learn more about what young people give and gain through YouthBank watch this short video:
To find out where YouthBanks are located visit
If you are interested in using your participation in YouthBank Ireland to count towards a Gaisce Award, speak with your Gaisce President’s Award Leader (PAL) and agree how you can record and share your weekly progress for the Gaisce Award. If your organisation currently supports and involves young people to participate in a Gaisce Challenge Area, contact us at to find out how you can become an official Gaisce Challenge Partner.