Kinsale OEC and Gaisce partnership a huge success

Last week Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre and Gaisce came together to celebrate the achievements of six Bronze Awardees. The Awardees in question graduated from the Young Mariner Programme, a 9 month outdoor education course which facilitated them to achieve their Gaisce Award. Gasice CEO Yvonne McKenna was on hand to congratulate the participants on achieving their Award and also their graduating from the Young Mariner Programme. 

Through the Young Mariners Programme Gaisce participants learned new skills, coastal clean-up and the importance of being environmentally aware. This year was the first year of the Young Mariner Programme and Gaisce were delighted to be partnered with such a great programme which is designed to give teenagers the opportunity to strengthen their personal development and also experience a wide variety of Marine-related skills training and certification.

Gaisce are delighted to be partnered with such a unique programme and want to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved with what was a hugely successful partnership.


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