Gaisce’s 2023 Impact Report

Gaisce Impact Report 2023

We are delighted to publish the 2023 Gaisce Impact Report, celebrating the notable achievements of young people participating in Gaisce across 2023. View by clicking button below or clicking here.

Key highlights include:

  • Highest registrations and completions since 2019 with 25,165 Award registrations and 14,872 Award completions;
  • 79% of all post-primary schools and 62% of all DEIS schools are delivering Gaisce to young people;
  • 325,000 volunteer hours invested by Gaisce participants in their communities;
  • A total of 776 organisations nationwide are delivering Gaisce.

The Impact Report also captures some of Gaisce’s key partnerships and landmark announcements throughout 2023, including the award-winning Rise Garden at the Bloom Festival with Oberstown Children Detention Campus; the LikeMinded LGBTQ+ Allies event in Cork; and the announcement that the Department of Justice is now supporting the cost of registration fees for Gaisce Awards participation in all Youth Diversion projects.

Commenting on the Impact Report, Avril Ryan, CEO of Gaisce – The President’s Award said: “We enjoyed a hugely successful year at Gaisce in 2023.  In addition to achieving our highest registrations and completions since 2019, we continued our focus on driving inclusion and diversity through a packed programme of initiatives aimed at ensuring that as many young people as possible have the opportunity to take part in the Gaisce Award.

“Gaisce continues to serve as a beacon of personal development for thousands of young people all over Ireland, leaving a profound impact on their lives, their communities, their peers and their families.”

Áine Kerr, Chair of the Gaisce Council said: “This report is being published as a viral rap song by young people, ‘The Spark’, has attracted more than 350 million online views after just a few weeks.  The rap brilliantly captures the energy and spirit of this generation of young people in Ireland; a spark that is evident too in the Gaisce Impact Report.  These sparks of connection, empowerment, creativity and innovation are consistently converted into callings and clarity about what type of life young people want to lead, what impact they want to define for themselves, and what role they can play in their own communities as conscientious citizens.  I am proud that Gaisce gives young people the opportunity to ignite their own sparks time and again!”

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